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Concession Stands

John Grosenick

Concession Supervisor

Mite/mini-mite levels are only responsible for filling concessions during their practice hours.

The rest of the teams are responsible for filling the shifts available on DIBS listed under the Squirt, Peewee, Bantam, U10, U12, and U15 heading.

The SAYHA Board is asking that each family commit a minimum of 15 hours to concession stand or tournament work per player (25 hours per family).   We understand than many will give far more that the 15 hours and we say "Thank You!"  We appreciate all of your efforts.  

For those of you who are signing up for the concession stand for the first time, it would be best if you could "buddy up" with an experienced worker or sign up for an evening during the week when it is less busy.  The concession stand is not difficult and should not take you long to learn how to navigate the stands.  If the above suggestion does not work for you, please contact one of the concession stand committee members prior to your first shift.  If you require any additional assistance or have any questions/problems while at the concession stands, please contact one of the concession committee members posted above or at the rink.

Dibs Concession Sign-up

Please follow this link to schedule your volunteer concession times

Concession Instructions